Wednesday, June 24, 2009

X-23: Wolverine's daughter or sister?

Okay, thought I get the whole blog thing rolling by starting off with this. I've been wanting to write this for a long time, but have never been able to...until now. This is an issue that I want to get off my chest: the issue of X-23 from Marvel Comics (X-Men/Force) and whether she's more like Wolverine's daughter or sister. Let's begin
So, we all know about Wolverine, right? Logan, aka James Howlett, yada yada yada. Well, soon after he underwent the Weapon X program and escaped, there were plans to clone him. However, they couldn't make a male clone, cuz the male gene was damaged. So they decided to create a female clone. So, let's introduce Sarah Kinney, who has the embryo implanted in her. Nine months later, Laura Kinney aka X-23 is born. And we all know what happens next right? X-23 grows up as an assassin, until she escapes and eventually makes her way to the X-Men. Now, here comes the fun part of the discussion. What's her relationship to Logan apart from clone?
For me, I see Laura as Logan's daughter. Why? Well, let's see. She was created from Wolverine's DNA and was born like an ordinary human. She has a mother and it's pretty much like Logan went ahead and boned Sarah. Now, Logan is doing his best to help humanise Laura. He has stated she is his responsibility and he is very protective of her. I'd say father-like protective. The idea that Laura could be considered as his sister is very stupid
Sarah: 'Hey, Logan, my daughter was created using your DNA, but she's your sister'
Explain that one to me. And let's put it this way, if X-Men: Evolution had gone to a fifth season, then Laura was gonna state that Logan is her father. And X-Men: Evolution is when Laura very first appeared. So why would her creators do that and then turn around in the comics and have Logan and Laura be brother and sister? It doesn't make sense. For me, in a complete sense, Laura, for all intents and purposes, is Logan's daughter. That's how I see it and that's how I want to see it played out. The minute it's stated she is Logan's sister, I'm gonna put that comic through the shredder


  1. I agree i think x-23 is logan's daughter because if the male gene was damaged wouldnt that mean that her mother sarah provided the female gene meaning that x-23 has 2 sources of dna even if logan makes up 99% of laura's DNA

  2. Very true. I just can't see how they can pass Laura off as Logan's sister, when she is more like his daughter, DNA/origins/relationship wise. And he just about does act like her father sometimes. I wish they would acknowledge Logan as Laura's father. Maybe he should adopt her

  3. She is an imperfect clone, for all intensive purposes though she is his daughter. this is because while she was created with a sample oh Logans DNA, she also has traits from her "Mother"f like her height and her green eyes. along with the parts that come with being female. many would argue that she is still his clone, but all of these facts combined with the fact that she was born prove otherwise. she may be a test tube baby, but she is Logan's test tube baby

  4. Consider the relation between Superboy and Superman which is more brotherly than a father/son relationship yet Superboy is a clone of Superman (with Lex Luthor's DNA in the mix).
