Sunday, June 28, 2009

Marvel Movies

Did a thread about this on Slayalive, with a poll as well to make it more interesting....hmm, come back to that one later. So, I thought I'd write this about those movies, my thoughts and what I think should be done next
  • Spider-Man: An excellent trilogy, let down a little by number 3. I mean, Peter Parker going all emo and cruising down the street like he's 'the Man'. Okaaay, did all the writers take crack at that time or what? And the scene with him and MJ at the bridge?? Need I say more? Spider-Man is a great series and I can't wait to see what they do with Spidey 4. Hopefully, it'll be better than 3 and I think they should have Peter and MJ either on their way to getting married or are married and MJ is pregnant. Guess we'll see in 2011
  • X-Men: My favourite Marvel series, again let down a little by number 3, though Wolverine does pick it up and it's a very good movie on its own. Nuff said really about X-Men. All I want to see now is X-Men 4 with Apocalypse as the bad guy, have Wolverine remember Origins, bring back Deadpool, Gambit and Sabretooth, as well as Cyclops and Emma Frost, throw in X-23 (who should appear in Wolverine 2 or in a solo movie) and I'll be happy. Maybe an X-Force should be done. Yeeeaaahhh
  • Blade: Very good trilogy and it should be left as a trilogy. Now, while I love Blade 3 (I mean, Ryan Reynolds? Hilarious) I love Blade 2 the best. Action, drama, suspense with a touch of romance. Blade 2 is easily the best of the trilogy
  • Fantastic Four: Honestly, as a comic, I don't like Fantastic Four. The movie, however, is a different story. Watched the first one just to see what it was like and actually quite enjoyed it, so I got the second one and enjoyed that one as well. Quite loved it. Now, I'm just hoping that they'll do a Fantastic Four 3, but I kinda doubt it. It's not as popular as Spidey or X-Men, so the chances of FF3 is very slim
  • Daredevil/Elektra: In my opinion, on the bottom of the Marvel ladder, with Daredevil second last and Elektra last. Daredevil wasn't too bad, but it's not as great as the asforementioned movies. Elektra isn't all that great. She doesn't seem like the Elektra from Daredevil, despite being played by the same chick and it seems a little over the place
  • Hulk: Hmm...Hulk...Eric Bana wasn't all that bad, but Ed Norton is much better. A hell of a lot better. The final battle is pretty impressive and it was quite cool to see Iron Man at the end. I wonder what they'll do in Hulk 2, but we'll have to wait until after the Avengers
  • Iron Man: Turned out to be a very good movie. Quite enjoyed it. Seeing Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury was pretty cool and Iron Man vs Iron Monger was cool. I'm eagerly awaiting Iron Man 2 and I wanna see Avengers, mainly cuz of him
  • Punisher: Now, this movie wasn't too bad, although Frank Castle never seems to die. He gets shot, I think stabbed and also blown up, but still lives. However, you can't really have the hero die now can you? Still, this wasn't a bad flick and I liked it
  • Ghost Rider: Hmm, what can I say about this? It's not as great as the previous movies, but it's better than Daredevil, I guess. The one thing I was disappointed about this movie was the high lack of action, mainly fight scenes. I mean, Ghost Rider beats the bad guys with just one move. How boring is that? If (and I think they are) they make Ghost Rider 2, bring in Lilith and Scarecrow, as well as some goddamn fight scenes. I wanna see Ghost Rider kick some freaking ass!

Upcoming Marvel movies are: Wolverine 2, X-Men: First Class, Thor, Ant-Man (groan! why oh why?) and Avengers. Movies they should do: X-Men 4, X-23, Fantastic Four 3, X-Force and one massive Marvel movies with characters from the above movies

Friday, June 26, 2009

...and the crapiness of Aftermath

Okay, so After the Fall was wonderful. Slightly flawed, but overall, an epic and well-written story. Now, we have the follow-up: Aftermath. Written by an unknown Kelley Armstrong and drawn by an unknown Dave Ross, Aftermath ended up becoming...a failure. The writting is terrible, the storyline is all over the place and the art is horrendous. For example, Angel looks like a Chinese Hulk-like bodybuilder...with no tattoo! Connor looks like a girl and Kate Lockley looks nothing like herself. There's some new character called Dez, who I have no interest in really and a later new character called James. Oh and he's an angel. From heaven. Really. The main storyline seems to be about Angel and gang trying to figure out why humans are acting like animals. Turns out, they are animals turned into humans by the time reset and thus, must be turned back into animals. Animal shifter lover writing the arc here, so that doesn't surprise me. Did I mention that Gwen is also there, wanting to prove her worth to Connor. And Connor acts worse than he did in Season 4. I mean, wtf?? Let's just say the characters are completely off and don't even look anything like themselves. Then, we have another story introduced in which angels are on earth, killing off demons to lower the numbers, but they're killing every demon they find. Angel joins forces with James to learn why the angels are being kidnapped (honestly, the whole angel thing is ridiculous. It feelt too much like Supernatural, which did it better). Now, I don't have the final issue in the arc, but I just know it's going to be bad. I mean, they even brought Cordelia in to explain why the angels are here and that Angel should listen to James. Her appearance is soooo completely wasted in this. Angel doesn't even to react to her appearance. God, this shouldn't have been done or at least, should be done by somewhere who know's what they're writing about, as if they've watched Angel and read After the Fall. Aftermath is a terrible follow-up for After the Fall and I eagerly await the return of Lynch and Urru and I can't wait to find out who the new writer is for the rest of Angel. If you want to follow on from Aftermath right, just kill Dez, send James back to heaven and have it never mentioned again. Simple and easy. People, just don't buy Aftermath. Okay?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The epicness of After the Fall...

Okay, so now I'm gonna do a big review of Angel: After the Fall, followed by a review of Angel: Aftermath, even though I don't have issue #22 yet. Why? Cuz I feel like it, dammit. I wanna talk about it without being judged and this is a good place to do it
Alright then, let's begin. After the Fall picks up a few months after the epic and wonderful 'Not Fade Away'. We learn who lived and who died following the cliffhanger finale. The first issue starts off with Angel protecting some humans from demons with the help of a dragon. Yep, remember that dragon he wanted to kill? Well, now they're buddies, fighting to protect the innocent from big bad Hell. Oh yeah, Los Angeles has been sent to Hell as a result of Angel's betrayal. And from there, the story unfolds and there's revelations that surprise you. Angel is human, Wesley is a ghost, Gunn is a vampire, Spike and Illyria are living together (unfortunately, not quite boning each other), Connor has a safehouse with Nina Ash and Gwen Raiden (who he's dating and wants to bone) and Lorne is Lord of Silverlake
Now, Angel has picked a fight with the demonic lords of Los Angeles. Nice one, Angel. But with the help of his friends, some magical sticks (don't ask me) and 'bibbety, bobbety, boo' he defeats the Lords and heads to the Hyperion. From there, the fun gets better. Gunn reveals himself to the gang and nearly kills Angel (who enters the spiritual world with Cordelia). Meanwhile, Gwen is a traitor, the dragon (who is called Cordelia) is killed by other dragons and Gwen dies. Then, Spike dies, killed by slayers, but is resurrected (again) by the time-slip. Forgot to mention, Illyria's time-slipping and turning into Fred. Gunn, after getting beaten by Connor, kills the remnants of Fred, thus turning Illyria into her true form. She kills the Groosalugg (yeah, he's there, riding a pegasus named, you guessed it, Cordelia), while Gunn kills Connor. Angel defeats Illyria, then fights against Gunn in an epic battle to the death. Angel allows himself to get killed, thus resetting the time, so they're back in the alley in 'Not Fade Away', but they all remember their time in Hell. Angel is able to save a human Gunn, who falls into a coma, while Wolfram and Hart has actually disappeared. Illyria is protecting Gunn, Connor is alive and Angel forgives Gunn for his actions
This was a very excellent story brought to us by Brian Lynch. It has some great writing and great moments (I felt so sad for Connor when he died). One minor issue I had was the art. Urru's art was alright, it was good (I like his Illyria). Runge's art was, eh, okay, but the ending of issue #11 is horrible, but his drawing of an evil Angel in the future is impressive. Mooney's is good. I liked his Angel and Cordelia, but his Gunn was a little off sometimes and also with the backgrounds sometimes with both Runge and Mooney. I was happy for the return of Urru and loved his art for the final three issues. I have to say by far that issue #16 is my favourite. It is full of sadness and epicness. Angel's sadness at losing his son, his rage at the Senior Partners and his battle against Gunn as hell rains down and Spike fights off the Partners' army. Then, we have the battle in the alley, which is pretty cool to read, while issue #17 finishes the series off very nicely. So, in my opinion, After the Fall is a very excellent read, with some minor flaws, but not very much that it'll be brought down. The writing is excellent, the art's a little off, but otherwise, it's the perfect follow-up to Not Fade Away. Lynch and artists, take a bow

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

X-23: Wolverine's daughter or sister?

Okay, thought I get the whole blog thing rolling by starting off with this. I've been wanting to write this for a long time, but have never been able to...until now. This is an issue that I want to get off my chest: the issue of X-23 from Marvel Comics (X-Men/Force) and whether she's more like Wolverine's daughter or sister. Let's begin
So, we all know about Wolverine, right? Logan, aka James Howlett, yada yada yada. Well, soon after he underwent the Weapon X program and escaped, there were plans to clone him. However, they couldn't make a male clone, cuz the male gene was damaged. So they decided to create a female clone. So, let's introduce Sarah Kinney, who has the embryo implanted in her. Nine months later, Laura Kinney aka X-23 is born. And we all know what happens next right? X-23 grows up as an assassin, until she escapes and eventually makes her way to the X-Men. Now, here comes the fun part of the discussion. What's her relationship to Logan apart from clone?
For me, I see Laura as Logan's daughter. Why? Well, let's see. She was created from Wolverine's DNA and was born like an ordinary human. She has a mother and it's pretty much like Logan went ahead and boned Sarah. Now, Logan is doing his best to help humanise Laura. He has stated she is his responsibility and he is very protective of her. I'd say father-like protective. The idea that Laura could be considered as his sister is very stupid
Sarah: 'Hey, Logan, my daughter was created using your DNA, but she's your sister'
Explain that one to me. And let's put it this way, if X-Men: Evolution had gone to a fifth season, then Laura was gonna state that Logan is her father. And X-Men: Evolution is when Laura very first appeared. So why would her creators do that and then turn around in the comics and have Logan and Laura be brother and sister? It doesn't make sense. For me, in a complete sense, Laura, for all intents and purposes, is Logan's daughter. That's how I see it and that's how I want to see it played out. The minute it's stated she is Logan's sister, I'm gonna put that comic through the shredder

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just New Here

So, uh, new blog, new thing. See how I go with this thing yeah?