Thursday, June 25, 2009

The epicness of After the Fall...

Okay, so now I'm gonna do a big review of Angel: After the Fall, followed by a review of Angel: Aftermath, even though I don't have issue #22 yet. Why? Cuz I feel like it, dammit. I wanna talk about it without being judged and this is a good place to do it
Alright then, let's begin. After the Fall picks up a few months after the epic and wonderful 'Not Fade Away'. We learn who lived and who died following the cliffhanger finale. The first issue starts off with Angel protecting some humans from demons with the help of a dragon. Yep, remember that dragon he wanted to kill? Well, now they're buddies, fighting to protect the innocent from big bad Hell. Oh yeah, Los Angeles has been sent to Hell as a result of Angel's betrayal. And from there, the story unfolds and there's revelations that surprise you. Angel is human, Wesley is a ghost, Gunn is a vampire, Spike and Illyria are living together (unfortunately, not quite boning each other), Connor has a safehouse with Nina Ash and Gwen Raiden (who he's dating and wants to bone) and Lorne is Lord of Silverlake
Now, Angel has picked a fight with the demonic lords of Los Angeles. Nice one, Angel. But with the help of his friends, some magical sticks (don't ask me) and 'bibbety, bobbety, boo' he defeats the Lords and heads to the Hyperion. From there, the fun gets better. Gunn reveals himself to the gang and nearly kills Angel (who enters the spiritual world with Cordelia). Meanwhile, Gwen is a traitor, the dragon (who is called Cordelia) is killed by other dragons and Gwen dies. Then, Spike dies, killed by slayers, but is resurrected (again) by the time-slip. Forgot to mention, Illyria's time-slipping and turning into Fred. Gunn, after getting beaten by Connor, kills the remnants of Fred, thus turning Illyria into her true form. She kills the Groosalugg (yeah, he's there, riding a pegasus named, you guessed it, Cordelia), while Gunn kills Connor. Angel defeats Illyria, then fights against Gunn in an epic battle to the death. Angel allows himself to get killed, thus resetting the time, so they're back in the alley in 'Not Fade Away', but they all remember their time in Hell. Angel is able to save a human Gunn, who falls into a coma, while Wolfram and Hart has actually disappeared. Illyria is protecting Gunn, Connor is alive and Angel forgives Gunn for his actions
This was a very excellent story brought to us by Brian Lynch. It has some great writing and great moments (I felt so sad for Connor when he died). One minor issue I had was the art. Urru's art was alright, it was good (I like his Illyria). Runge's art was, eh, okay, but the ending of issue #11 is horrible, but his drawing of an evil Angel in the future is impressive. Mooney's is good. I liked his Angel and Cordelia, but his Gunn was a little off sometimes and also with the backgrounds sometimes with both Runge and Mooney. I was happy for the return of Urru and loved his art for the final three issues. I have to say by far that issue #16 is my favourite. It is full of sadness and epicness. Angel's sadness at losing his son, his rage at the Senior Partners and his battle against Gunn as hell rains down and Spike fights off the Partners' army. Then, we have the battle in the alley, which is pretty cool to read, while issue #17 finishes the series off very nicely. So, in my opinion, After the Fall is a very excellent read, with some minor flaws, but not very much that it'll be brought down. The writing is excellent, the art's a little off, but otherwise, it's the perfect follow-up to Not Fade Away. Lynch and artists, take a bow

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