Monday, September 21, 2009

Lying Sisters and F**ked-up Families

Drama, drama, drama. Had heaps of it today. See, my mother rang me up to tell me that my sister lost her baby last night (she was 14 weeks pregnant). However, here's the twist: that's not what happened. My sister actually had an abortion and didn't tell my mother, so when Mum rang me, I knew I had to tell her the truth of what really happened. Reaction? Pretty much what I expected. Mum broke down into tears a few times because she was never told about it. Over the past few weeks, she had been really excited about being a grandmother for the first time and even bought a few things, only to have this happen to her. It's really hurting her, all because my sister is complete fucktard of a bitch. She fell pregnant just to be like her friend, who has a baby, and also to trap her boyfriend in the relationship. However, he still left her, so now she went ahead and had the abortion done, before telling Mum a lie. And I already knew, having known since at least three days beforehand, except I never told told Mum because it wasn't really my business and it wasn't my place to tell her: it was my sister's and she should have told Mum before the procedure. So now, my family is somewhat torn apart. As far as I know, my mother doesn't want to see my sister again
So, how's that for fucked up?

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