Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fanfiction Trivia

This is all the trivia revolving around my major fanfics. I had been wanting to do this for a long time and felt that this is the best place for them. Ready? Here they are. Spoilers will be in black, so just highlight if you wanna read them. Also, there may be some more coming. Okay, here is all the trivia


  • The first Animorphs was based upon a dream, in which a front cover for an Animorphs book depicted the gang wearing blue raincoats in the rainforest, with a couple of children with them, which turned into The Lasterol Stone
  • The appearance and name of Tori are based upon two members from the build team on Mythbusters: Kari Byron and Tori Belleci. Tori Berenson’s appearance is based upon Byron, while her name came from Belleci
  • In Battle for Earth, there is a chapter in which John is in his giant snake morph while battling the Howlers, while music is playing. The song is ‘One Step Closer’, though originally, it was to be ‘The Sickness’ by Disturbed

Love is More than Words

  • The first chapter of LiMtW was written in about 20 minutes and was posted as a trial. Surprisingly, it became a very popular series
  • The second half of LiMtW was re-written following Draco and Hermione’s first kiss, as it was considered by fans that the kiss was too early
  • The chapters surrounding the Horcrux on the Isle of Fear was going to have Lupin in them, accompanying the group and helping out as a werewolf. However, he was cut from the chapters as it was considered too silly
  • The love scene between Draco and Hermione is the very first lemon ever published online by me
  • In LiMtW2, there was to be something sexual between Lucius and Ron, but it was toned down greatly and is only briefly mentioned at least once
  • The vampire Warwick wasn’t in the early drafts of LiMtW2
  • Originally, Hermione was going to be pregnant or have a child with Ron in LiMtW3, but this idea was discarded to protect the Dramione relationship
  • It took a month before the final chapter was finally published, as the wedding scene was quite difficult to do. Didn’t want it too rushed or sloppy
  • During the Battle of Hogwarts, there was a chapter in Hermione’s POV, in which Sirius suddenly returns to protect her from a werewolf Lupin (Sirius also marries Draco and Hermione). However, it was seemed too silly and impossible for Sirius to return, so it was rewritten. However, when LiMtW3 was printed out, that chapter was left in, resulting in a re-printing
  • The final battle in LiMtW3 takes place in Hogwarts, which was published online in 2006, finishing in early ’07. Some time after that, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released, in which the final battle takes place in Hogwarts. Coincidence?
  • At a total of 378 reviews across the three stories, the Love is More than Words trilogy is by far the best series ever, with people still adding it to favourites. The Sons of Sparda series comes second at 251 reviews so far, with the final story still in progress, but the total reviews won’t eclipse LiMtW
  • There was to be a spin-off revolving around Warwick’s past, but this idea was soon dropped, as time couldn’t be committed to it
  • The character of Elizabeth Malfoy was named after my youngest sister, Elisabeth

Path of Fatal Lightning

  • Originally, there were to be a total of 12 stories in the Fatal Lightning series, each one a different crossover, in this order: Mortal Kombat, Dragonball Z, Legacy of Kain, Devil May Cry, Supernatural/Horses of Apocalypse, Final Fantasy VII, Hellgate London, Underworld, Aliens vs Predator, Farscape and Aeon Flux. However, the series ended at three due to lack of commitment and interest
  • The Path of Fatal Lightning series is a rewrite of the Vile Vengeance series, which focused on Legacy of Kain. Here, the focus shifts to Tekken
  • All three Fatal Lightning stories have been rewritten: Fatal Lightning was originally a Jin/Xiaoyu story, but was changed to a Jin/Julia, with the character of Jin’s evil twin, Ashe, being created for the story. Mortal Kombat originally started out as a tournament in OutWorld, until Onaga attacked everyone, forcing them to scatter and regroup. There is not much change to the storyline of Path of the Dragon, except for some slight differences
  • Path of Fatal Lightning had three different endings written for it, until one was written that would end the story well and lead into Fatal Lightning 2
  • There were some slight changes made to Scorpion’s relationship in Fatal Lightning 2. At first, his partner was Kira, but this was changed to Kitana and Nitara was later written in as their daughter. A spin-off was written about Scorpion and Kitana detailing their relationship, how Nitara came about and how she became a vampire. It also had Scorpion and Nitara working together to destroy Baraka’s army as shown in Mortal Kombat. However, this was never published and is not considered part of the storyline
  • In the original Path of the Dragon, Hwoarang was human when he fused with Jin. In the rewritten version, he undergoes a ritual performed by Scorpion in order to make himself half-demon so he could have the power level to fuse

Sons of Sparda

  • The first Sons of Sparda was intended as a spin-off from the original Path of Fatal Lightning storyline to show how everyone came to that point before the story started. Dante and gang were to appear in Path of Fatal Lightning 5
  • Sons of Sparda II was originally to be a crossover with Mortal Kombat, in which Vergil was married to a beautiful Mileena. There were also two versions of this: a one-shot having Vergil falling into the Netherrealm following a battle with Balthazar. There, Vergil met Mileena, performed a ritual with her to restore her face, conceived a child with her (who was born in the Netherrealm), battled against Balthazar, Noob Saibot and Baraka. The second version was a true sequel to Sons of Sparda and has Vergil, Nero and Dante travelling to OutWorld, before returning to their home as Onaga invades their world. Vergil also later married a restored Mileena. However, this was never finished following Sons of Sparda’s original incompleteness
  • The second half of Sons of Sparda and entire of Sons of Sparda II were completely rewritten following a revival of interest, which led to Rise of Abigail, Devils Never Cry and End of All Hope
  • Rise of Abigail was based upon the Devil May Cry Anime Series. While the start of Sons of Sparda was based upon the start of Devil May Cry 4, Devils Never Cry was based mostly on the second half on DMC4. The title for Sons of Sparda 5 is from the Nightwish song ‘End of All Hope’
  • The first chapter of Prologue is taken from the first issue of the Devil May Cry comic series entitled ‘Evil Woman, Book 1’. The aftermath of the children’s lives following the fire are shown in flashbacks in Devils Never Cry, while Prologue finishes just before Sons of Sparda
  • The story for Legacy of Dante was going to be about the rise of Mephistopheles, but following the release of Resident Evil 5, it was changed to be about the son of Mundus, Albert Wesker and the Archangels. Mephistopheles was also going to be the fully-grown child of Tristan and Lucia following a brief affair, as he was going to be inside Lucia following the ending of End of All Hope. However, it seemed a little like season 4 of Angel and was part of the reason his story was dropped for Legacy of Dante
  • The idea of Tristan being kidnapped as a baby and growing up away from his parents was inspired by an episode in season 3 of Angel, in which Angel’s son is kidnapped and raised away from his father. Whereas Tristan and Connor both grew up away from their fathers and returned hating them, Connor came back a few days later as a teenager from a hell dimension, while Tristan was gone for eighteen years in an alternate dimension
  • The name of Tristan James comes from my deceased cousin, while the name of Jennifer Lee is from a friend of mine

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

  • To date, there are six Angel stories that take place some time after ‘Not Fade Away’, most of which ignore the events of ‘After the Fall’. A seventh one will be an adaptation of ‘After the Fall’, titled Final Destination, the sixth chapter in the Poster Girl series, split into three parts
  • After the Fall and The Chosen Ones are the only stories that feature a crossover with each other. A similar idea will be used for a future Buffy and Angel story, but crossing over together to deal with the same enemy
  • Spike: After the Fall was based upon the mini-series spin-off from ‘After the Fall’ and was completed three days after the mini-series’ release. It is also not related to ‘07 After the Fall
  • Also, the opening battle scenes in Spike: After the Fall are similar to Spike’s First Night story in After the Fall, particularly Illyria’s battle with the demonic spiders
  • The Spike: After the Fall series are the only Buffyverse or non-Buffyverse stories to appear on two different fanfiction sites
  • There was a very short-lived story titled ‘Spike: the Series’, in which Spike, Illyria and Connor team up following ‘Not Fade Away’. Intending to be episodic, the series didn’t last past episode three. Spike: After the Fall has some influences from this, such as a vampiric Gunn as the first Big Bad and Pavayne as a major Big Bad (though Pavayne was the Big Bad in the sequel). Also, a rogue Slayer named Ava was brought over into Spike: After the Fall from ‘Spike: the Series’
  • The battle scene at the skull stage in Spike: Crimson Sky is hugely influenced from ‘Spike: After the Fall #3’, while the chapters in which Spike faces the ghosts of his past and battles against Lilitu are taken from ‘Auld Lang Syne’, while Spike: End of Days is influenced by ‘Buffy: Season 8’, particularly the storyline about Twilight and the end of magic. Also, the battle against the Perstelik demon in Spike: Crimson Sky is similar to a battle against the same type of demon in 'Angel: Old Friends'
  • Inferno underwent three different changes. The first was going to involve a five-chaptered ten-arced story, resulting in fifty chapters. This was changed to an ordinary story, but was then heavily rewritten. It also features the first ever Dark Willow/Illyria fight scene, in which Illyria won
  • Spike: End of Days featured the first ever Buffyverse love scene. It was also the first love scene written since Raziel and Rayne’s in Deliverance over a year before
  • The three-chapter arc about Axtius and Monster Island in Anything for Love comes from the Buffy/Angel crossover novel ‘Monster Island’. Axtius is also set to return in Shadow of the Day
  • There is a mistake in the Spike: After the Fall series. Set in 2004, Spike meets up with his daughter, who was born around the same time as Connor. Connor was born in 2001, which means that Spike meets Elena, she should be three years old, however, she is four, which means she was born in 2000. This mistakes continues in Crimson Sky and End of Days
  • In Living On A Prayer, the original story was going to have Cordelia ascend to the heaves at the end of Anything for Love. She was then to return amnesiac and regains her memories, but becomes Jasmine. When her powers were full, Jasmine was going to split from Cordelia, taking her life force and putting Cordelia in a coma. This would have led to Angel and Connor taking on Jasmine at the same time upon her defeat, her life force would be returned to Cordelia, thus waking her up. This was discarded
  • Another idea for Living On A Prayer was to have Connor sleep with Piper and she would later give birth to Jasmine. This was discarded for being too similar to the source
  • The short story Everytime, which is a Slayalive Scribe Challenge, was based upon the Britney Spears song ‘Everytime’
  • The name and appearance of the Tarkna demons from Inferno come from the Tarkatans of Mortal Kombat. Several months after Inferno was completed, Conflagration Broach was soon published, in which the Scoobies and Fang Gang travel to OutWorld
  • The idea of Conflagration Broach came from ‘Mortal Kombat: Armageddon’, in which Buffyverse characters were created and played with in-game, leading to the story in which the Scoobies and Fang Gang battle Shao Kahn and Blaze
  • The start of Conflagration Broach is very similar to the ending of Shadow of the Day, with the only difference is that Illyria doesn’t appear in the latter
  • All titles of the Poster Girl series are songs. Poster Girl is by Backstreet Boys, Measures of a Man is by Clay Aiken, Anything for Love is by Meatloaf, Living On A Prayer is by Bon Jovi, Shadow of the Day is by Linkin Park and Final Destination is by Within Temptation
  • The original ending of Spike: After the Fall was going to have Spike and Illyria lose against Wesley and get sent to hell, before getting rescued by Angel in the start of Crimson Sky. Also, Crimson Sky was to end with Spike going to the realm of the Senior Partners and defeating them
  • The lawyer who greets Angel in the start of Shadow of the Day is called Jackson Hodge. In the TV show, the same lawyer is place by TJ Thyne, who later stars with David Boreanaz (Angel) in the TV show 'Bones' as Jack Hodgins, hence the name
  • The Nina Ash in Shadow of the Day is different from the Nina Ash in the TV show. TV Nina is a twenty-something artistic werewolf with an interest in Angel. The Poster Girl Nina is an eighteen-year-old high school student who becomes a werewolf and later starts a relationship with Connor, who she attends the same classes with
  • Spike: End of Days was created for the purpose of a back story for Wicked Prayer, which is set 200 years in the future
  • Spike’s appearance in Spike vs Fray: Wicked Prayer is based upon Captain John Hart from ‘Torchwood’, who is portrayed by James Marsters, who is also well known for playing as Spike. Also, Spike and Illyria’s son, Sullivan, is named after James Marsters’ son
  • Dean Winchester was meant to die at the end of Inferno, but this was changed so he lived in order for him to have a relationship with Faith
  • There are only two stories (not including sequels) in which Cordelia is Connor’s biological mother. On a sidenote, there are only three stories in which Cordelia comes back from the dead, two where it is permanent

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